Evaluating The Online LPN Programs
If you want to become a LPN and desire to complete your nursing education through one of the online LPN programs, how do you even begin to choose one? There are so many choices, the decision can be overwhelming. There are certain things you should look for when you research the choices available. Setting some criteria will help to eliminate the less desirable schools and narrow your selection to only those that meet your criteria.
So, what should you look for in evaluating the online LPN programs? First and foremost, contact your State’s Board of Nursing and ask them for the most recent list of recognized and accredited online LPN program. This will immediately narrow your choice of available schools.
Armed with your list, head to the internet and do a search on each one. Don’t hesitate to request more information by completing the forms. Usually you can’t even get information until you complete the request form. The information that most programs have online is limited. Very few offer details openly on required courses and the program costs.
If the LPN nursing programs online are based in a local college, contact the program director and make an appointment to discuss the program that college offers and get more information. A face-to-face encounter may give you invaluable information for making your final decision.
You need to know what pre-requisites are necessary to apply for admission to the LPN school. There will be differences in each school and some may require you to complete certain pre-requisites before you can apply. This may take you another six months to a year before you can actually be enrolled in the program.
Look ahead to the future. Are the online LPN programs simply the stepping stone for you to eventually become a RN? If so, you may want to look at schools that allow an easy transition into one of the LPN to RN programs.
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