Although there are many Online Licensed Practical Nurse To Registered Nursing Programs that are claiming that they are accredited, only a few of them are telling the truth. With the growing demand of nurses in the US, some program developers are also trying to find ways for easy money. Scam programs are not uncommon. It is essential to thoroughly investigate and do your research before jumping into a decision, to avoid being fooled. It is easy to be convinced to that some online upgrade programs are accredited, but it can be relatively easy to be scammed.
Here is a guide to check if the online transition program that you hope enrolled in is really accredited by your state.
First and foremost, what specifically does accreditation mean? The accreditation process is vital for colleges, universities, programs and other institutions whereby they are all evaluated for quality, value and legitimacy. Many individuals start their careers as LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses) and then wish to advance to an LPN to RN training program or upgrade programs so that to advance their skills and knowledge. An Associate’s Degree in Nursing (AND) or Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is often desired for this advanced education. Both degrees have its difference in terms of course and curriculum but still, the student must still take and successfully pass their NCLEX-RN examination to become a certified Registered Nurse in the state that they choose to practice in.
A valid question is… “Where do I verify accreditation for online transition programs?”
All nursing courses or programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Committee (NLNAC). This body accredits all these programs as well as associate’s degree programs also. While the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), which also gives accreditation for nursing programs, Bachelors level programs (BSN’s) and Master’s degree programs (MSN’s). The websites that a student must remember and must check to check if their program or school is accredited are the following:
- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Inc. (NLNAC)
Investigation using these websites, a student could choose a school from the full list of accredited schools and programs in those two accrediting bodies for nursing programs. When a student finally decides on the school or program with accreditation that is in the state that they choose to practice in or a state where they are living they can then proceed with confidence.
Choosing an online program best suited for you is vital to your career path. Besides the proper and best training and education that you can attain, choosing a school that is properly accredited by the state you live in is essential. It is obvious the need to avoid programs or school is not accredited.
There are online scams and diploma mills that could possibly delay you in your chosen career. Accreditation assures the quality, value and legitimacy of the program that you choose to enroll in. This ensures students in choosing a college, university or program that has a good reputation and prospective employers also use this for filtering out their possible employees for their hiring. Choosing proper accreditation for vocational, college, university or online program, is an essential step for prospective students.
One easy way for prospective students to determine the legitimacy of programs they wish to enroll in is to visit and consult with your potential future or even present employers. What institutions and transition programs do they approve and prefer for their employees? Hopefully some of these comments will help you make the right choice for your new career path and avoid pitfalls that you could encounter.
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