Enrolling In A LPN To RN Online Program
One of the greatest things about the internet is the fact that you can further your nursing education from LPN to RN online. The LPN to RN bridge programs are widely available online as many universities hasten to fill the demand for an ever-growing number of nurses.
The options you have for the online programs are to take online courses through an established brick and mortar university or college or to enroll in a program that is entirely online and run by an online university. The required clinical hours must, of course, be done at area hospitals, clinics and nursing homes. In the case of the online programs, the clinical hours are completed with a local preceptor.
There are numerous advantages to taking the LPN to RN online courses. Convenience and flexibility is certainly one of them. There may also be a cost savings, depending on the program itself. There is certainly a savings in terms of gas and auto expenses. Another advantage is that there are usually no waiting lists for the online programs.
In researching your options with the LPN RN online schools, be aware that some programs offer an Associate’s degree in nursing and some offer a Bachelor’s degree. The Associate’s degree is a two year degree and the Bachelor’s is four. Both take the same nursing exam to get licensed but there are more job opportunities for the Bachelor’s degree nurse, especially in administration and leadership roles.
A word of caution – if you are serious about furthering your education by enrolling in a LPN to RN online program to become a registered nurse, be certain to make sure that the programs you are researching are accredited and recognized by your state’s Board of Nursing. If the program is not accredited and recognized by your state, you won’t qualify to take the nursing licensing exam upon completion. Contact your state’s board for a current list of accredited schools.
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