Choose The Right Accelerated Nursing Program
Deciding what accelerated nursing program that’s right for you could be difficult without the proper guidance.
Some factors should go along with your decision that could help you out with selecting the best possible choice. This article will guide you with the simple factors that you may need to do just that.
Since an accelerated nursing program is becoming popular in this day and age, many people are jumping at this opportunity to gain their nursing degree at a faster pace. Be wise in the program you choose to start on the right track in your nursing career. Construct a list of programs you might be interested in and then scope it down to one after careful research of each.
Check on the rankings of each accelerated nursing program.
This could give you a good idea of what the U.S. News and World Report has leveled the program. Asking some former graduates about the nursing program could also give you information about their personal experiences, which could give you what you could possibly expect in each program. For example, you may be able to find out how many students have passed the licensure examinations on the first attempt and how difficult or how easy it was for them to find a job. But of course, each person’s perspective and learn styles vary from person to person. You cannot entirely base your decision on what another person may think and what they have experienced in their educational encounter.
Checking for proper accreditation is vital for choosing any accelerated nursing program. The two primary nursing professional organizations are The National League of Nursing Accreditation Commission and The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Since LPN and RN programs prepare you for state certification, the program should be properly accredited because your state might not recognize the program you have graduated in, which post as a problem after graduation because you won’t be able to apply for state certification if it is not accredited. Contacting these organizations directly could help you be guided.
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