Interested In LPN to RN Online Programs
With the growing demand of nurses in the US, LPN to RN online programs have mushroomed. Though there are many of these programs claiming that they are accredited by nursing organizations, not all of them are telling the truth. These programs are also looking for ways to gain easy money because they know that people are looking for these kinds of programs. Since not all of us research before making a decision, some of those interested in taking LPN to RN online programs are fooled. So it is important to check if the program that you enrolled in is indeed accredited by your chosen state.
First of all, what does it mean to have accreditation? To have an accreditation is important for universities, colleges, programs, and etc for which they are all evaluated for the quality of what they teach and the value as well. A lot of individuals start their career as a medical professional as LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses) and then proceed to an LPN to RN programs so that they can continue their career and move on in progressing their capabilities, skills, and knowledge as well. An Associate’s Degree in Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Nursing is needed for this further education. Both college degrees have their own terms of course and curriculum, still the student should take their state board examination to become a registered nurse in the state that they choose to practice in.
So the question is where do we find out and verify the program’s accreditation? All of the nursing courses or programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Committee (NLNAC). This accreditation-giving organization accredits all those programs as well as Associate Degree programs. While the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) gives accreditation to Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree programs. There are websites that you can check in order for you to know if the online LPN to RN program is accredited. For CCNE accreditation, you can check, and for NLNAC accreditation, you can visit and check if the program is accredited by these organizations.
Choosing an LPN to RN online program that suits you best is important for you to advance in your chosen career path. It is also important to check the accreditation of the online program and make sure that the accreditation is true so that you can avoid future problems that may arise.
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