Top 10 Universities And Online Nurse Practitioner Programs in the US
Registered Nurse Programs and online nurse practitioner programs are at popular demand in this day and age. Since there is a predication of a shortage in nurses by 2018 all over the United States, there are many nursing programs that are created to meet that demand. With the numerous schools claiming to be the best, not all may stand up to that expectation. Choosing the perfect school for you requires thorough research. You must consider that the school/university or program has proper accreditation by your State and their facilities are completely functional and the environment is conducive for the students. Another important factor to consider is the competency of the instructors and the effective teaching styles for each student.
Here is a list of the top 10 schools for Registered Nurse programs and online nurse practitioner programs in 2010-2011.
These online programs are also combined with the top universities from all around the United States.
- The Virginia University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Washington
- North Carolina University of Chapel Hill
- University of Iowa
- Kaplan University
- Indiana State University
- University of Phoenix
- South University
- Grand Canyon University
To be ranked as one of the top universities or programs in the United States take on many factors. The ranking is based on reputation of each in the past, the scores of their students on standardized tests and also the number of students that have graduated from that school. Other factors are the faculty income, fees in tuition, graduation rates and alumni donation rates.
Choosing the best university or online nurse practitioner programs for any person is crucial. Doing comprehensive research about each university or program is the wise direction to go. Going to the actual university and talking to the administrators to gain more information is smart because you can have a view of their campus.
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